Good Research Practice (GWP)
KIT offers a range of services and advice for all those who study, research and teach here. Take a look at the following pages and find out more!
Here you will find
- General information on good research practice at KIT
- Support services for questions in the research process
- Information on teaching good scientific practice in teaching
- Specific offers for doctoral candidates/postdocs and students
Your question is not answered? Please contact the Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles for further information!

The Love Data Week (LDW) is an international event from February 10 to 14, highlighting the topics of research data and research data management. This year's motto is: "Whose Data Is It, Anyway?". You can find the offered events of German institutions on the information portal
The DFG has published new guidelines on best practices for the development, use, and dissemination of research software. They aim to help researchers and institutions ensure quality, licensing, and sustainability.
Dr. Helena Jambor and Dr. Christopher Schmied are receiving this year’s Early Career Einstein Award for their project "PixelQuality – Best practices for publishing images." The prize, endowed with €100,000, will be awarded to the two researchers in March 2025.
www.TU-Dresden.deScientific Misconduct
KIT also offers support and structures to address scientific misconduct:
If scientific misconduct is suspected, a formal investigation procedure can be initiated via the Ombudspersons for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice. If the suspicion is substantiated, they will forward the case to the Commission for Good Scientific Practice.
The Ombudspersons for Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors will be happy to assist you with any problems you may encounter in resarch and writing as well as supervising doctoral theses. The Ombudspersons for Ethical Principles provide support with questions about KIT's ethical principles and applications for a vote of the Ethics Committee.
According to the statutes, tangible suspicions of scientific misconduct must be reported!