The Commission for Good Research Practice
The Commission for Good Research Practice at KIT is appointed by the Senate. It consists of the following persons (for extended regulations, see Statutes):
- As chairperson: an external person with the qualification to hold judicial office
- Four university professors
- One academic staff member
- One doctoral candidate
- Permanent guests: Ombudspersons for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, one person employed at KIT who is qualified to hold judicial office
The members and guests of the commission as well as their deputies, experts consulted in the proceedings and other persons involved in the proceedings are obliged to maintain confidentiality.
According to the Statutes, the Commission for Good Research Practice has the following tasks:
- Advising the KIT Senate on the further development of Good Research Practice at KIT
- Investigating suspected cases of scientific misconduct (main proceedings; the Ombudspersons for Safeguarding Good Research Practice are responsible for the preliminary proceedings)
The procedure in the event of non-compliance with good research practice is described in detail in Part II of the Statutes.
The work of the Commission for Good Research Practice is organizationally supported by the Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles.
Your contact person
Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles
+49 721 608-25241
valerie boda ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
303 Campus Nord